Man Suspected of Killing 3 Homeless Men in Los Angeles Is Arrested
Jerrid Joseph Powell, a resident of Los Angeles City, has been arrested for allegedly murdering four homeless individuals. Three

Jerrid Joseph Powell, a resident of Los Angeles City, has been arrested for allegedly murdering four homeless individuals. Three victims were shot Dead in Los Angeles, while another was killed in San Dimas, with Powell following the victim to his home. All four killings occurred within a span of four days.
Powell’s arrest ensued after the San Dimas incident, linking him to the three other Los Angeles killings. The handgun recovered from Powell matched the weapon used in the other three cases. The motive behind these evil act remains unknown, allowing both the City of Los Angeles and the Police Department to express relief over Powell’s capture. This incident has drawn attention to the vulnerability of the homeless community, making them easy targets for individuals with this evil intent.
Residents living in vicinity to the location of the third killing shared a collective sense of relief upon learning of Powell’s arrest. While expressing relief that the suspect is in custody, one resident conveyed concerns to the authorities about the vulnerability of homeless individuals.
The entire city is obviously relieved that the alleged killer is now in custody. A resident who was in deep grief who lived in near vicinity where third victim was killed emphasized the need for authorities in a city as big and well-known nationwide to establish facilities and provide as much aid as possible to the homeless community
The homeless community count is increasing each year. According to the Los Angeles Homeless Authority, the count was 46,260, reflecting a 10% increase from the previous year. Killing Homeless People in increased each day The killing of homeless people was reported as 92 in 2022, a number that is worrisome to the authorities
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