
Top 7 Digital Nomad Visa Countries 2023

  • October 23, 2023
  • 6 min read
Top 7 Digital Nomad Visa Countries 2023

Digital nomad visa: opportunities for those working in the Tech industry.

Using a digital nomad visa allows you to travel the world while working. One of the great benefits of current technology is the possibility of working remotely and from anywhere in the world. Yes, now you can choose the easiest digital nomad visa in Europe.

In addition to all the benefits that remote work provides, such as spending more time with family for an employee or saving on physical space for an employer, one of the best doors that the digital nomad visa countries 2023 opens is the possibility of traveling while you work, a trend that is gaining more and more adherents and that is even becoming a philosophy of life for those who have the possibility of fulfilling their duties wherever they want.

From this, a concept was born to which you can find a lot of associated material on the web and social networks: digital nomads. This is someone who lives a lifestyle moving wherever they see fit in the world in terms of their interests and possibilities, and who, indeed, uses technology to their advantage to work remotely from outside their country of origin with a digital nomads visa to do so.

Why Choose Digital Nomad Visa Countries 2023

Due to this trend, the term digital nomad visa has gained so much strength that it has even reached legal terms and is now globally recognized as a way of living internationally. which is why we can currently learn about the existence of a digital nomad visa, which grants someone the legal right to work remotely while living outside your country of permanent residence.

One of the main reasons for this trend is the reactivation of tourism through extended stays to benefit the country’s economy, where digital work will be carried out. Furthermore, working from home is an undisputed new normal; digital jobs complement online education very well, while for countries that allow the entry of digital nomads, obtaining application fees, tax revenue, VAT, and import duties are positive. On the other hand, new talents are attracted since, in many countries, trained people have also been seeking new horizons, generating a vacuum of professionals in certain areas.

You may have already considered this possibility if you have a remote job that allows you to travel to other places for specific periods. If not, it may be a good idea to evaluate what will undoubtedly enrich your work context to try new experiences outside the limits of your place of residence.

Countries that accept digital nomad visas

Therefore, if your spirit goes with this new adventure that technology offers us, below we share a list of digital nomad visa countries 2023 with nomadic life that you can consider. Also, it makes visible how established this modality is worldwide for the workplace. We recommend searching for the country of interest in search engines next to the term “nomadic life” for more information.

  1. Malta

Visa name: Global Residence Program

Requirements: investment in real estate, guaranteed minimum income of 100,000 euros per year.

Duration: one year, renewable

Where to get: through an authorized agency or the Maltese Government.

Essential information: Offers visa holders the opportunity to live and work abroad more flexibly and without being tied to one location.

  • Georgia

Visa name: Digital Nomad Visa

Requirements: guaranteed minimum income, health insurance.

Duration: one year, renewable

Where to get: through an authorized agency or the Government of Georgia.

Essential information: Offers visa holders the opportunity to live and work in Georgia more flexibly and without being tied down


  • Greece

Digital nomad visa: in Greece, it is called a “Digital Worker Visa.”

Price: €7 per application.

Requirements: have a valid passport, health insurance, job offer, or business contract.

Duration: 1 year.

Where to get it: Embassy of Greece in your country of residence.

  • Colombia

Visa: Colombia Digital Nomad Visa

Duration: up to three years.

Price: 300USD

Requirements: A valid ID valid for more than six months, a criminal record certificate, proof of health, proof of funds, and evidence of health insurance are required.

  • Spain

Visa: Digital Nomad Visa

Price: The cost of the digital nomad visa is €2,000.

Duration: The visa is one year, renewable for additional periods of one year.

Requirements: To apply for the visa, applicants must have sufficient recurring income to cover their expenses during their stay in Spain, health insurance, and accommodation in Spain. You must also provide a detailed description of your online professional or business activity.

Benefits: With the digital nomad visa, holders can reside and work in Spain for one year. In addition, they can also travel throughout the European Union during their stay.

  • Italy

Name: Italy Digital Nomad Visa.

Duration: 1 year but renewable.


Valid passport.

Proof of income, although it has yet to be specified how much the minimum amount will be.

Prove that you have the resources to receive the visa, showing a minimum of €8,500.

Criminal record certificate from the country of origin.

Extra: the number of digital nomad visas in Italy is limited annually. For example, in 2020, there were 500 visas of this type.

  • Brazil

Visa: Digital nomad visa

Duration: 1 year and renewable

Requirements: have a valid passport and health insurance and pay visa fees, as well as present a criminal record certificate issued by the country of origin

Where to get: The temporary visa must be applied for at any Brazilian consulate abroad, along with the required documents, such as health insurance valid in Brazil and proof of identity. (A price for the visa is not specified.)

What To Study To Have A Digital Nomad Visa?

If you want to join being a digital nomad with a secured Digital Nomad Visa, and you do not have a career in the digital world, we recommend that you evaluate it. The IT industry is one of the most thriving industries that offers better daily opportunities, such as the highest probability of working remotely and tempting salaries.

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