Entirely On Hydrogen’ Planned For 2024? Is It Going To Happen Soon?
The decarbonization process to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has also fully reached the aeronautical industry. Although aviation represents only

The decarbonization process to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has also fully reached the aeronautical industry. Although aviation represents only 3% of total carbon dioxide emissions, companies in the sector have been preparing for some time to adapt to the new zero emissions. We are talking about the entire hydrogen’ planned for 2024 that the European Union has set to achieve.
Entirely On Hydrogen’ Planned For 2024
The search for alternatives to fossil fuels has become one of the biggest challenges for the aeronautical industry. To meet community objectives, commercial aviation is experimenting with new technologies. In this context, aircraft powered by hydrogen engines appear on a horizon that may be much closer than it seems. According to the tests already taking place with short-haul experimental flights in different parts of the world, let’s step into the hydrogen-powered plane company era.
The use of hydrogen in airplanes will contribute to the decarbonization of air transport.
The aeronautical industry is no stranger to the changes coming to commercial aviation. A leading company in the aviation engine manufacturing sector has set the goal of operating the first entirely on hydrogen’ planned for 2024.
The largest hydrogen-powered plane company in the world almost ready for commercial flights
This hydrogen-powered plane company was born to develop the necessary technologies for using hydrogen as a propulsion fuel for aircraft, thus contributing to the decarbonization of commercial aviation. We will create the technological base in this decade so that in the next decade, hydrogen-powered airplanes fly that will be neutral in CO2 emissions.
Conservation and the volume of hydrogen are two of the significant challenges posed by the project.

To carry out this innovative project entirely on hydrogen’ planned for 2024, we are working on four main lines of research, among which the modification of an existing engine so that it can operate with a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen stands out. Later, it will do so exclusively with hydrogen. One of the biggest challenges that the work team will have to overcome is the transformation of liquid hydrogen into gaseous hydrogen and the regularization of its use in gas turbines.
The Hydrogen Challenge
Hydrogen presents us with several technological challenges. For example, it must be stored at cryogenic temperatures (-250 degrees). Its conversion from liquid to gaseous state, or the combustion dynamics of hydrogen, differs from that of kerosene. Therefore, laying the technological foundations that allow us to characterize all these processes is necessary.
Another significant challenge of using hydrogen as a power source is the large volume it occupies. It takes up four times more space and weighs three times less than kerosene, and it also has to be stored in a liquid state at minus 250 degrees below zero. This means it cannot be stored in the plane’s wings, as we do today with kerosene.
Airbus has presented the prototype of its entirely hydrogen’ planned for 2024.
It also points out that developing a technology to convert hydrogen from a liquid state to a gaseous state will be necessary, resulting in aesthetic changes in the passenger hallway to install the hydrogen tank. The plane’s architecture will change, but its performance in terms of comfort and speed will be very similar.

The fuel cannot be stored in the plane’s wings, as is the case with kerosene, so the architecture of the aircraft will change.
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